Today is the cover reveal for Melancholy Ghost by Kat Mayor. This cover reveal is organized by Lola's Blog Tours.

By Kat Mayor
Genre: Paranormal
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 14 February, 2017
From ghost hunter to ghost, haunted.
Barrett has a plan—help Austin regain his memory, surround him with his friends and loved ones, and lead him into the light. Unfortunately, the tragic investigation of a melancholy ghost derails everything.
As new lead investigator, Thai struggles to maintain the high ratings SCI has always enjoyed. After a few subpar investigations, the network execs demand results, even if it means the team must put their lives on the line for a house more deadly than its dead occupants.
There are worse things than being dead.
Austin knows something is wrong. Most people ignore him, time eludes him, and his hands are basically worthless. If only he could remember what happened, he would have the answers he so desperately seeks. He’s sick of Barrett’s lies and Casey’s deflections. Austin will have to figure this one out on his own. Will the truth set him free, or destroy his soul?
You can find Melancholy Ghost on Goodreads
While the others were in the back storeroom, Bob and Luis investigated the front of the store. Bob’s spirit guides led them over to an old Victrola. An apparition in a three-piece suit materialized in front of them. Bob couldn’t see the solid forms of ghosts the way Casey and Barrett did. He saw them as clear beings with bright edges. But if a spirit was strong and determined, it could convey its thoughts and words to Bob. You, sir. Might I have a word?
Professor Charles Bowen. The translucent apparition held out his hand in introduction.
Bob made the motion of shaking his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Professor. How can I be of assistance?”
The professor pointed with his translucent pipe. On the floor were shards of broken teacups and saucers. That was Lady Jane Carraway’s collection of fine, English bone china. It was then that Bob noticed the silhouette of a feminine spirit. Her clear being was outlined in a Victorian era tie-back blouse and skirt. She stood behind and to the side of the professor, clutching a lace handkerchief and weeping soundlessly. A mute spirit, Bob realized. Somehow her silent sobs were more sorrowful than if she had been wailing loudly. The professor pushed his wire-rimmed glasses up higher on his nose. Now what is to be done about them?
Those hoodlums. It’s one thing to endure their practical jokes. But Lady Jane is a kind soul. She didn’t deserve this.
He’s sweet on her, a young male spirit taunted. Then he made smooching noises. A couple of other spirits with him began to laugh. They blurred into one as they floated off down another aisle.
Alas, I did not know Lady Jane when we were alive. He patted her arm. I wish I had. His eyes narrowed at Bob and Luis. You must make them leave. They are turning this fine establishment into a rowdy, ill-managed ale house.
“We’ll do our best, Professor.”
One more thing.
Bob turned to face him. The ginger boy is the ring leader. If you cross him over, they’ll all follow.

I am a native Texan, wife, and mom. In addition to The Spirit Chaser, I have written a young adult series, The Circle. I’m a full-time reader, part-time writer, and when I’m not kicking a story around in my head, I love to read and review books on Goodreads.
You can find and contact Kat Mayor here:
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