The Beautiful Balance, by Michelle Wilson
2016, 152p, LDS Non-Fiction
My Rating=5 Stars
Source: Received a copy from the publisher for an honest review

Whether in your family, your ward, or your community, you’ve observed them: those noble individuals who are strong, patient, and stalwart in the face of adversity. When times are tough, how do they manage the challenging shift from victim to victor? Chances are they have figured out the balance of control—what they have charge of and what is in the Lord’s hands.
Trying to manage the ups and downs of life can feel overwhelming, but fortunately we’re not alone on this journey. With inspiring doctrinal insights and a healthy dose of humor, author Michelle Wilson inspires readers to let go of fear and find peace, even in the midst of lost jobs, health challenges, or everyday chaos at home. In a world that seems so tempestuous, The Beautiful Balance is a sweet reminder of exactly what we can control—ourselves—and what God controls—all the rest.
I enjoyed Michelle Wilson's first book, Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat? (you can read more about it and my review here), so I had high hopes for this one, too. I'm glad to say that it delivered! This book is a fantastic reminder that there are just some things in life we don't have control over.
In the first part of her book, she focuses on claiming personal control. She breaks it down into four areas we do have control over and then shares examples, quotes and scriptures in each of those areas. I especially loved the section titled "Control over Our Attitude." Seeing the good in certain situations has always been difficult for me. I loved all that she said about it and will read that section over and over. The second part of her book focuses on giving the rest to God by letting go of control, and again shares examples, quotes and scriptures to show what that looks like.
This book isn't long but it is full of meat with no fillers. I had to read through it quickly and plan to go through it more slowly so I can savor it more. I would recommend this to anyone looking for more balance in their lives!
Michelle Wilson writes magical realism and inspirational nonfiction. She is the author of "Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?" and "The Beautiful Balance: Claiming Personal Control and Giving the Rest to God," along with other fiction and nonfiction works on the way.
She is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of the Corvisiero Literary Agency.
Michelle loves faith, family, food, and smiling. She is an expert at Guitar Hero, has a bad habit of laughing at the wrong times, and hates writing about herself in third person because it's just weird.
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Thank you for the kind review Melanie! I am so grateful for your love and support for my first book and am relieved and so happy you like this one too!!
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