Check out all of Tara's events HERE.
We're blitzing The Friendship Tour Grand Finale for:
The Friendship Pact
Once Upon a Friendship
Once Upon a Friendship
By Tara Taylor Quinn
We hope you've enjoyed getting to know more about Author Tara Taylor Quinn and the friendships in these two stories throughout the tour. If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out...
Launch - Introductions
Intro to The Friendship Pact
I’ve written a lot of books. From thriller/suspense to romance, I’ve given you many kinds of stories. This one isn’t like any of them. It’s a story of heart. Of soul-searching. Of tough questions with no easy answers. It’s a story of relationships. Of friendship. It’s the story of two very different women who, as children, make a pact to travel life’s journey together.
Intro to Once Upon a Friendship
On the surface, Once Upon a Friendship was kind of ordinary when I started writing. . . . But as I’ve come to accept over the years, the book wasn’t really mine. The story belongs to Liam and Gabi and Marie. And the things that happened to them are not mine to change.
I’ve written a lot of books. From thriller/suspense to romance, I’ve given you many kinds of stories. This one isn’t like any of them. It’s a story of heart. Of soul-searching. Of tough questions with no easy answers. It’s a story of relationships. Of friendship. It’s the story of two very different women who, as children, make a pact to travel life’s journey together.
Intro to Once Upon a Friendship
On the surface, Once Upon a Friendship was kind of ordinary when I started writing. . . . But as I’ve come to accept over the years, the book wasn’t really mine. The story belongs to Liam and Gabi and Marie. And the things that happened to them are not mine to change.
Christian Chick's Thoughts - Once Upon a Friendship Review
"I definitely felt the chemistry between Gabi and Liam, and I pulled for their happy ending. I also enjoyed a couple other non-romantic relationships that Liam developed throughout the novel. The touch of mystery also added to my enjoyment of the novel. And now I'm very curious about where Marie's story will go."
undercover book reviews - Promo
underneath the covers - TTQ Signature
Both books celebrate friendship. Both come straight from my heart and soul to yours. I can promise you that, if you read them, you’ll take an emotional journey. You’ll be made to question a thing or two that matters to you. And you’ll find something to take with you, too.
deal sharing aunt - Elderly Couple
In Once Upon A Friendship, three friends buy an old apartment building to prevent the elderly people who’ve been living there all their lives from being put out on the street. They had no idea what a bounty their investment would be to them in terms of the gifts they’d get in return from the residents they’d saved. But I knew. And I had a great time showing them what I knew.
Diana's Book Reviews - Reviews
The Friendship Pact: "As I started getting into the story, I really couldn’t put it down, had to finish it all, but of course there is life, work and dinner to be cooked. But this story really touched my heart, and even a lesson in this story. Each person in this story had something to give and take, and the emotions were raw and real."Once Upon a Friendship: "I just love the way Tara Taylor Quinn writes, you can feel the emotion in her stories, the people seem real, and I love to read stories that seem real."
beck valley books - 70th Book
The release of Once Upon A Friendship this month marks my seventieth published novel with the Harlequin/MIRA/Harper Collins team. When the publisher sent me the list of my titles recently, telling me that I was at number 70 – a number they consider a milestone – I took a quick glance. I knew I’d written close to seventy books. But then a title caught my eye. Not because of the particular title. Or because of the particular book. But because I’d written the book years ago, saw the name, and got that rush feeling in my stomach that you get on Facebook when you see that an old friend has found you.
Mel's Shelves - Once Upon a Friendship Review
"I love a good romance, especially when there's a secondary storyline and this book delivered! I wasn't expecting the mystery so that was a pleasant surprise. I had a pretty good idea of who was behind the scheme early on but there were still some twists and turns along the way that I didn't see coming."
Words for the Journey - Once Upon a Friendship Review
"True to Harlequin Heartwarming’s style, Once Upon a Friendship is a clean story centered around traditional values of family, friendship, and personal growth. These are so rare nowadays, it’s always a joy to find one!"
Wishful Endings - Once Upon a Friendship Excerpt
Liam didn’t remember getting back to his car. He knew he’d done so on his own. Without escort. He climbed behind the wheel, starting the car with a calm he’d probably feel if he felt anything at all.
Christy's Cozy Corners - Once Upon a Friendship Review
"If you like sweet romance stories with endearing characters, you will love Once Upon a Friendship by Tara Taylor Quinn. It is filled with emotion and it will keep your attention throughout!"
Getting Your Read On - Once Upon a Friendship Review
"I did enjoy the cast of characters here. It was easy to feel their camaraderie and loyalty to each other. Friendship is the best base for a romantic relationship, I think. Well, friendship and attraction. :) This was an easy going book. It was gentle in nature and never really got my heart pounding but it was solid and had a good flow to it."
Life as Leels - Once Upon a Friendship Review
"I will say, the big twist in the mix really through me for a loop though. It wasn’t what I expected and left me turning the pages to see what was all going to come of the entire situation. While it wasn’t my usual type of read, I did enjoy it and recommend that if you are looking for a good, clean read; this is it!"
Colorimetry - My Best Friend
I learned the value of friendship at a very young age. I was five when I met my best friend. Not a best friend in the moment. Or a bestie. Not one of several. Just…the one. She was four at the time. I don’t know why she was different from every other person I would meet in life. No clue why she was the one.
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Closest Friend
And this is the message I hope you get from The Friendship Pact and Once Upon A Friendship. Cherish your friends. Tend to them. Let the little things go. Work through the big ones. Because they are the ones who will always be there to catch you when you fall. To hold you up. And help put you back together again.
Hardcover Feedback - Reviews
The Friendship Pact: "The story was in a way like riding a roller coaster, because it would be so sweet in one moment and so heartbreaking the next, but strangely enough I liked that. For the most part it felt extremely realistic and I just couldn't put it down."Once Upon a Friendship: "I enjoyed that this wasn't just a romance, but a story about a father and son and their relationship with each other. I didn't see the ending coming, the part without the romance, and that's always nice. If you enjoy these type of books I recommend you give it a read."
Just as the social sharing contest Tara is running through all her tour events this summer (details here) she's also hosting a giveaway for those who share quotes from her about friendship. There are three different choices all provided below to share. Share one or all just once or every day this week!
Prizes include:
US PRIZE: Girlfriend note cards, mini-book full of quotes, "friends" picture frame, friends wall plaque, and ebooks of The Friendship Pact and Once Upon a Friendship.
INT PRIZE: Two (2) winners will receive ebook copies of The Friendship Pact and Once Upon a Friendship.
*Share must be public to be eligible. Can share once each day. Ends July 17th. Enter via the Rafflecopter link below.

by Tara Taylor Quinn
Adult Romance, Women's Fiction
Paperback & ebook, 245 pagesAdult Romance, Women's Fiction
June 1st 2014 by MIRA
This is a story for every woman who has a best friend...
Bailey Watters and Koralynn Mitchell consider themselves "sisters of the soul." Their circumstances growing up couldn't have been more different; Kora came from a wealthy, privileged family, while Bailey's home life was hard. They'd do anything for each other. "I'd give you a kidney," they always say. There are no secrets between them--until there's one secret Bailey can't share.
This is a story for every woman who's been in love.
Danny Brown is the only man Kora's ever wanted, ever loved, and her marriage seems as flawless as everything else in her life. Bailey, however, doesn't want a husband. She does want a baby--but only by IVF. And the perfect donor, the perfect biological father, would be a man like...Danny.
What happens when love and friendship collide?
Kora might be willing to give Bailey a kidney. But what about a baby?
Bailey Watters and Koralynn Mitchell consider themselves "sisters of the soul." Their circumstances growing up couldn't have been more different; Kora came from a wealthy, privileged family, while Bailey's home life was hard. They'd do anything for each other. "I'd give you a kidney," they always say. There are no secrets between them--until there's one secret Bailey can't share.
This is a story for every woman who's been in love.
Danny Brown is the only man Kora's ever wanted, ever loved, and her marriage seems as flawless as everything else in her life. Bailey, however, doesn't want a husband. She does want a baby--but only by IVF. And the perfect donor, the perfect biological father, would be a man like...Danny.
What happens when love and friendship collide?
Kora might be willing to give Bailey a kidney. But what about a baby?

(The Historic Arapahoe #1)
by Tara Taylor Quinn
Adult Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
July 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
July 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming
They’re a team...not a couple!
Falling for Liam was unthinkable. He and Gabi had been best friends since college, nothing more. And crucially, now Liam was her client and needed her to be focused on his case. Gabi could never risk their friendship — or Liam’s freedom — over these feelings. They could never be a couple, anyway. He was Liam Connelly, the handsome and privileged son of a billionaire. She was Gabrielle Miller, the girl who’d fought her way out of poverty and put herself through law school. They were unlikely friends to begin with. Anything more was impossible. Unless...he felt it, too.
The author of more than 70 original novels, in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestseller with over six million copies sold. She is known for delivering deeply emotional and psychologically astute novels of suspense and romance. Tara is a recipient of the Reader’s Choice Award, a five time finalist for the RWA Rita Award, the Reviewer’s Choice Award, the Bookseller’s Best Award and appears frequently on bestseller lists, including #1 placement on Amazon lists. Tara is the past-president of Romance Writers of America and served eight years on that board of directors. She has appeared on national and local TV across the country, including CBS Sunday Morning and is a frequent guest speaker. In her spare time Tara likes to travel, climb Arizona mountains, and inline skate.
Tara is a supporter of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you or someone you know might be a victim of domestic violence in the United States, please contact 1-800-799-7233.
$10 VISA Gift Card & ebooks of The Friendship Pact and Once Upon a Friendship (US only)
Print copy of Once Upon a Friendship & a Spend the Summer with TTQ T-shirt (US only)
ebooks of The Friendship Pact and Once Upon a Friendship (INT)
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