Gerbs in the House: The Dilly Dally Bedtime Routine, Written by Lydia Lukidis; Illustrated by Heather Cook; Photos by Bailey J. Thompson
2014, 44p, Children's Picture Book
My Rating=4 Stars
Source: Received a copy from the publisher for an honest review

Mocha says it’s bedtime, but Petri wants nothing to do with it! Reading books, singing lullabies and juggling plates are only a few of the things Mocha does in an attempt to tire his son out. Although Petri is entertained, he still refuses to sleep. He just wants to dilly dally! Worn out by his son’s shenanigans and silly antics, will Mocha ever get Petri to bed before losing his marbles?
Petri isn't ready for bed and is pulling out all the stops to stay up--he starts with a story and a snack since he's so "hungry." Then, when his father, Mocha, has taken care of him and can relax, he hears noises coming from Petri's room and when he checks on him, Petri is dancing and making a huge mess! Just when Mocha thinks he has gotten him to sleep, Petri surprises and frustrates him. Mocha needs to figure out how to get his son to sleep so he can rest, too!
This short, cute story reminds me of a few nights when my children were younger. I certainly can understand Mocha's impatience and willingness to do what he needed to in order to get some much needed sleep. I love the illustrations and how some of the photos of real gerbils are integrated with the drawings. I thought it was cleverly done and will hold children's attention. The rhyming story is creative and fun to read! This is a book that is enjoyable for both children and adults!
About the Author:
Lydia is a story teller and a magic maker. She is a multidisciplinary artist with a deep passion for writing and creating. After receiving her Bachelor degree in English Literature from McGill University, she has been writing books, short stories, poems and plays for over two decades. So far, fifteen of her children’s books and eBooks have been published, and she has toured the world with five of her marionette plays. In addition to her creative work, she also writes educational and curriculum based texts for children and is a workshop facilitator.
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