Eden's Root Trilogy #3
Published April 30, 2013
"I promise you, Sean. We're going to stop them."
The pieces on the board are in motion and with both sides gathering strength, each move will be critical. When the Truthers make a play for checkmate, the Seeders are forced to respond. Fi and her companions will face greater challenges and higher stakes than ever before, because this time if they fail, it's for keeps.
Seeds of War #2
The mission of Eden must be fulfilled and Eden’s best Seekers are needed. Forming a new group they dub the Seeders, Fi, Asher, and Sean are joined by a new addition as they set out to bring hope and support to the Topsiders in the form of radios and heirloom seeds. Their experiences Topside prepare them for the threat from marauding gangs they call Lobos, but it is a different, less obvious sort of threat that takes them by surprise. As radio broadcasts begin to reconnect Eden and the Topsiders, the Seeders stumble upon mysterious broadcasts from unknown stations. When two of their own new radio stations go silent within days of each other, Fi and her companions realize that something is terribly wrong. Eden finds itself pitted against a growing and unknown force as their very mission lights the flames of war.
Eden's Root #1
It is 2033, and the world hovers on the edge of explosion as unexplained crop deaths lead to severe global food shortages. In the United States, the Sickness is taking lives slowly, creeping its way into every family. Fi Kelly has already faced the Sickness in her own family, toughening her beyond her years. But a shocking confession from her dying father will push her toughness to its absolute limits. Saddled with an impossible secret and the mission of saving her little sister, Fi sets out to transform herself into the warrior that she must become to survive the coming collapse. Along the way, she will discover that evil can be accidental and that love can be intentional.
This is a series I really want to read!! And I'm sad that I wasn't able to get to them by today but they are in my TBR pile.
I enjoy eating healthy and have immersed myself into it slowly. I've learned a few tricks here and there (like, how to make almond milk and soaking almonds will release the enzymes and make it easier on your teeth to chew on) but have a ways to go before I can be considered a "health nut." I also can't tell you why certain foods are good for you but I know they are and that I feel better when I eat them. However, I also feel better when I have chocolate here and there and am not going to commit to giving it up in the near future.
I have a sister that eats really healthy and she's given me some good recipes. One of my favorites can actually be found on allrecipes.com. I don't enjoy spending lots of time in my kitchen, so anything I make needs to be easy, have directions I can follow and I want to be able to buy the ingredients at my grocery store, but will take a trip to the health store if needed. I didn't have time to make this before today but here's the picture that they use and the recipe:
Quinoa and Black Beans
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
3/4 c. uncooked quinoa
1 1/2 c. vegetable broth
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste
1 c. frozen corn kernels
2 (15 oz.) cans black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 c. chopped fresh cilantro
1. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic, and saute until lightly browned.
2. Mix quinoa into the saucepan and cover with vegetable broth. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes (I actually only do this for about 10-15 minutes).
3. Stir frozen corn into the saucepan and continue to simmer about 5 minutes until heated through. Mix in the black beans and cilantro.
A couple of notes: I will either eat this as a dip with chips or put it in a tortilla. I also sprinkle lime juice over the top--YUM!! I have a homemade vegetable bouillon that I use in place of the vegetable broth. Quinoa is one of those foods that's good for you and some people don't like the taste but I honestly can't even taste it in this dish (if you can, add more lime juice!).
I was taking baby steps with healthy eating because my husband wasn't interested in eating that way and it was too expensive and time consuming to make separate meals. He's had some health issues recently and has found that he feels much better when he eats healthier so we're trying to eat healthier together and it's made a world of difference. Now to convince the kids...
For lots of recipes (like Boiled Peanuts!) and tips on how to cook vegan, and gluten-free, check out Rachel's blog HERE, HERE and HERE! Enjoy!
I am a wife and entrepreneur living and working in Florida. I am also a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, where I majored in Biology. It was always my assumption that I would end up making research my life. Though it did not work out that way in the end, my passion for Biology remains intact.
I have always loved biology-based science-fiction and the young adult genre. It is in this vein that I offer my work.
Tour-Wide Giveaway:
August 12 - September 6
2 Winners each (international):
- eBook of Eden's Root
- eBook of Seeds of War
- eBook of Emergence
2 Winners (international):
- eBook of the trilogy - Eden's Root, Seeds of War & Emergence
1 Winner (US, Canada, UK)
- signed print copy of Emergence
a Rafflecopter giveaway
In Rachel Fisher's dystopian world, natural grown food has turned to poison or died before it can produce fruit. This idea was partly inspired by her own life and the necessity of creating vegan and gluten-free meals.
The Emergence Recipe Book Tour
12 – Launch
14 – Livinga Goddess Life
15 – BuriedUnder Books
17 – Mythical Books
19 – MySeryniti
20 – Fundinmental – Eden's Root
21 – MoosubiReviews!
23 – AnastaciaKnits
24 – Markedby Books – Eden's Root
25 – LeeannaMe – Eden's Root
26 – LeeannaMe - Seeds of WAr
27 – LeeannaMe
28 – TheBookish Daydreamer Eden's Root
29 – GreenMountain Couple
30 – Grand Finale
This tour has brought my attention to these books and they do look really good. I love your recipe. I've never tried quinoa before. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!
Quinoa can be pricey but our Costco has it in a huge bag so you might want to try a small box first and, if you like it, get the larger bag. Let me know if you like it!
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