On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Ghost Chronicles 2
By Marlo Berliner
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch - Note from the Author
THE GHOST CHRONICLES 2 is a YA paranormal with adult crossover appeal and it is the second book in my award-winning Ghost Chronicles series. The first book won the 2016 NJRW Golden Leaf Award for Best First Book, was named FINALIST in the National Indie Excellence Awards for Young Adult Fiction, received the Literary Classics Seal of Approval, was awarded a B.R.A.G. Medallion, and was named one of the “best indie YA books we have seen in the past year, from both self-publishers and small presses” by IPPY Magazine. The second book continues Michael’s ghostly adventures in the afterlife, now with Sarah by his side.
Harlie's Books - Excerpt
Michael turned to her to say something funny, but the antique clock on the sidewalk in front of the gift shop suddenly chimed midnight. As usual, time had once again moved forward at some wickedly irrational pace.
The wind had picked up and snow was lightly falling again, straight through both of them. He took Sarah’s hand and let the swirling wind direct him, spinning her around the wrought-iron clock as if they were ballroom dancing to music only he could hear in his mind.
Or so he thought.
Mythical Books - Interview
3. Why did you choose the topic of this series: ghosts and the love that transcends death?
As a young girl I read every book I could get my hands on that dealt with ghosts, ESP, aliens, pyramid power, you name it. I think I’ve just always been fascinated by all the mysteries out there that we haven’t solved yet. And I’ve always said I wanted THE GHOST CHRONICLES series to be a story of great hope for anyone that has lost someone tragically, particularly someone young. And what greater hope is there, than the possibility that love may transcend death and two ghosts might get that second chance in the afterlife?
Wishful Endings - Excerpt
He read the main inscription on the top and bottom of the plaque out loud, “The Cocoanut Grove, November 28th, 1942, Phoenix out of the Ashes.”
Sarah started to read the rest, “Erected by Bay Village Neighborhood Association, 1993. In memory of—”
But she never got the chance to finish, for two ghosts suddenly materialized directly in front of them.
100 Pages A Day - Review
"Ghost Chronicles Two was kept fast-paced with interchanging scenes of of levity, parties and fun with demons, battles and suspense. I really enjoyed learning more about the afterlife and how all of the ghosts were content to be equal in death no matter of race, religion or station in life. It was also very fun being able to see glimpses of famous ghosts such as Albert Einstein. Most of all, I appreciated how Michael's new position allowed me to see how good can come out of death. It was interesting learning about the Coconut Grove fire through the eyes of those who were there. I can't wait to read more about Michael and Sarah's new found job and amazing powers in the next book."
Beck Valley Books - Excerpt
Standing there victorious, he grinned as if he were the guy who had just reached the top of Mt. Everest for the first time. He couldn’t help it.
He was now perched at the very top of a roller coaster track over a hundred feet in the air. How many people can say they’ve done that?
Taking Sarah by the hand, he made her step onto the adjacent track directly in front of him. He placed his body against hers, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace while they both stared out at the raging sea. The wind from an approaching Nor’easter had whipped the frothing surf into a frenzy. Below them, the waves crashed and splashed into the wide, wooden pilings that held up the pier.
Mello & June, It's a Book Thang! - Guest Post
One of the questions I get asked most frequently is if THE GHOST CHRONICLES series is scary, or is it horror? It is neither. It’s a ghost story with strong romantic elements. Much more like the 1990’s movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore, than The Woman in Black, which by the way, are two of my favorite ghost movies of all time. The first is clearly not scary, while I found the second so scary that one of these days I just have to see the play in London.
Mel's Shelves - Guest Post
As the second book in the series, it took me nearly eighteen months to write. I can usually write and polish a complete novel in six months, so this book challenged me in ways I never anticipated. I only realized what my problem was in February 2017 when I saw a video posted by John Green. In that heartfelt video, John explained why it took him almost five years to complete another novel after The Fault in Our Stars. John talked about feeling intense pressure to make his next book be as big of a success as The Fault in Our Stars and how that pressure led to anxiety, a fear of failure, and depression over his writing. He said he felt terrified that the next book that would follow up TFIOS would never be as good. He felt as if every time he wrote, fans were looking over his shoulder. Here is the video if you’d like to see: https://youtu.be/MiX7fVkTbzM.
Colorimetry - Excerpt
"My grandfather used to say that people had been searching for Cape May Diamonds since at least the early 1800s. Somehow word of the gems spread throughout the trade routes. But the joke was on them because they aren’t real diamonds at all.” He held one up again to look through it. “See, they’re actually clear quartz crystals that wash ashore as smooth, polished rocks because they travel all the way down the Delaware River. And since the river spills out right at the little hook created by Cape May Point, they say that’s why the diamonds get caught here.”
“They’re exquisite,” she declared.
Min Reads and Reviews - Excerpt
“I thought I saw some dark shadows through a window upstairs,” she said hurriedly, twisting her hands. “They were moving around the back of the house near the bike racks.”
Steeling his courage, he began to draw in energy from every source in the room. “I’ll take a look. Go back up to the bedroom and stay there until I tell you it’s safe to come out,” he commanded.
Without another word, she darted back up the staircase.
Brooke Blogs - Guest Post

The setting for THE GHOST CHRONICLES 2 was inspired by The Angel of the Sea, an award-winning bed and breakfast in Cape May, NJ that I visited several years ago. This spectacular inn has been featured on several television programs and in magazines throughout the world. Most notably, it was chosen by Oprah Winfrey as one of the “Best Vacations in the World” and included in her television talk show. The Angel of the Sea is one of the most recognized Victorian structures in the United States. Legend has it that in the late 1960’s, a girl fell to her death at the Angel of the Sea and did at one time, haunt the inn. The story of the girl has been included in several non-fiction books about ghosts in Cape May. My heroine in THE GHOST CHRONICLES series, Sarah McConnell, was inspired by this legend.
The Bookworm Chronicles - Excerpt
Immediately, the enormous oceanfront hotel known as Congress Hall came into view, impossible to miss with its bright, sunshine yellow façade and towering white colonnades. The sheer size and grand architecture of the L-shaped structure gave it the air and sophistication of a Southern-style plantation.
A huge Christmas tree with multi-colored lights had been erected in the corner of the grassy, open-air courtyard. The evergreen’s sparkling branches dancing with the winter wind coming off the ocean.
Bookworm Lisa - Guest Post

One of the things I’ve done with THE GHOST CHRONICLES series is to have my characters visit different historical settings. I just love researching these places and diving into the rich history. I try to include not necessarily the obvious places and facts, but instead those that speak to me. Those that whisper, “Tell my story.”
And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...
The Ghost Chronicles 2
by Marlo Berliner
Young Adult Paranormal
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
October 17th 2017 by Teddy Blue Books
**If you love ghost stories and the paranormal, then THE GHOST CHRONICLES series is the perfect new read for you!**
What's there to fear if you're already dead?
Michael and Sarah now know for certain, there is a destination after death.
They also know they better find their way out of the afterlife fast, before the devil claims Michael's soul.
What they don't know?
Before they can get to heaven...
they may just have to go through hell.
*Inspired by the legend of a haunting at the famous Angel of the Sea bed and breakfast in Cape May, NJ*
Other Books in the Series
by Marlo Berliner
Young Adult Paranormal
Paperback & ebook, 298 Pages
November 17th 2015 by Teddy Blue BooksYoung Adult Paranormal
Paperback & ebook, 298 Pages
Michael Andrews had everything – a loving family, a great girlfriend and a promising basketball career. That was before the accident that took his life. Now, he’s a ghost, wandering among the living, struggling to understand why he’s stuck. All he wants is to move on.
That is until he meets Sarah, an attractive young girl who died just as tragically as he did. The only trouble is falling in love and binding oneself to another soul is forbidden, for it may keep one or both of the souls bound to earth for longer than they should be.
To make matters worse, there’s also a danger in going too far with Sarah, because the “joining” of two souls in the afterlife is also strictly forbidden and they don’t know what will happen if they do go that far. Each time they touch they can feel the boundaries of their energies slipping perilously into one another.
Things get even more complicated as Michael learns he’s being pursued. Demons are after him because he’s a marked soul, a soul the devil wants very badly for some unknown reason.
So, maybe falling in love in the afterlife isn’t such a good idea.
About the Author

Marlo Berliner is the award-winning author of THE GHOST CHRONICLES, her debut book which was released in November 2015 to critical acclaim. Marlo writes young adult, women’s fiction, and short stories. Marlo is represented by Eric Ruben of The Ruben Agency.
When she's not writing or editing, Marlo loves reading, relaxing at the beach, watching movies, and rooting for the Penn State Nittany Lions. After having spent some wonderful time in Pittsburgh and Houston, she’s now back in her home state of New Jersey where she resides with her husband, two sons, and a rambunctious puppy named Max.
This book sounds interesting, my kind of book. Love the summary.
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