Mission Statement: We at Freedom Factor have a passion for our American Heritage and want to share it with the world. The United States Constitution is the centerpiece of this heritage. What makes America unique in world history is the emphasis on local government and written Constitutions. Written Constitutions mark “a momentous advance in civilization and it is especially interesting as being peculiarly American.”
To keep our civilization advancing we are asking you to do three simple things: READ the U.S. Constitution, get to KNOW it better, and SHARE it with others.
It's actually been a while since I've read the Constitution. Every time I read it, I definitely learn something new. I am grateful for the men who gave it to us. A lot of study, research and debate went into giving us an amazing document that, when followed, will allow us more freedom and opportunities than anywhere else in the world! I am accepting Freedom Factor's challenge to read it, get to know it better, and share it with others!
Been a while since I've read it too. Thanks for sharing.
sherry @ fundinmental
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