On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Passion Flowers
By Molly Charles
We hope you enjoyed this tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out...
Launch - Interview with the Authors
What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?
Most of all we want our readers to be entertained, and maybe put Maui on their vacation bucket list! We’d like them to enjoy the time they spend in Deke and Leigh’s world, and if a deeper message lingers, even better. That family is important, but sometimes we all make wrong-headed assumptions. That it’s never too late to forgive, to change, and grow.
The Silver Dagger Scriptorium - Excerpt
In a perfect world, a woman afraid of water wouldn’t have to fly over two thousand miles of the stuff just to keep a promise.
My Devotional Thoughts - Are Two Heads Better Than One?
As co-authors we’re often asked how and why we write as a team. Is it easier? Faster? More effective? ‘Are two heads really better than one?’
The answer is, well . . . complicated.
EskieMama Reads - Excerpt
A tall lion of a man in a faded blue Aloha shirt and khaki shorts blocked the top landing. Sun-streaked hair too long to be businesslike. Scruffy three-day beard. All bronzed and hard-muscled, he was impossible to ignore—especially if you liked the type. Which she most certainly did not.
Harlie's Books - Review
"Overall, this is a great book that I would highly recommend to anyone. Great characters, brilliant story and a romance that slowly builds until…"
Nicole's Book Musings - Excerpt
Saturday night sounds. Deke’s personal symphony. Usually it soothed him. Tonight, his ex-wife’s letter burned in his pocket, and he was in no mood to be soothed.
underneath the covers - What’s in A Name?
As a romance writer, choosing a pseudonym can be a delicate process. What persona do you want to reflect? Sassy, sweet, exotic, naughty? Where on the shelves do you want readers to find you? In the ‘A’s, ‘M’s’ or ‘W’s? Or alphabetized next to your favorite author? Do you want to pay homage to family members, ancestral names, or cultural heritage?
Falling Leaves - Excerpt
She turned to go, but his arm encircled her shoulders and she was pulled to his side once again, pressing the flowers against her cheek, the fragrance from the leis teasing her nose. And once again, the sensation of intoxicating masculine strength and warm skin against warm skin scrambled her brains.
Life as Leels - Review
"Wow. This was quite the read! . . . This wasn’t just a romance – this was a romance; a mystery; and a little bit of action tossed in."
by Molly Charles
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 300 pages
August 10th 2016 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
Ambitious career woman Leigh Taylor Cole and laid-back islander Deke Kearney have nothing in common—except a sizzling chemistry that turns their lives upside down and makes Leigh question her promise to bring him home to Seattle.
But Deke's going nowhere with the uptight mainlander. Until, that is, kidnappers threaten his son's safety and send the threesome into hiding in a secluded up-island cabin.
Proximity and provocative Maui breezes work their magic, forging a passionate bond between Leigh and Deke and forcing Leigh to face her greatest fear. And eventually to unlock a secret buried so deeply in her past, she's hidden it even from herself.
Molly Charles is the pseudonym of team writers Jena MacPherson and Joanne Otness. Lifelong friends, the award-winning duo grew up in Washington’s wine country.

Jena was a staff editor and travel writer for Sunset Magazine in Seattle. Joanne was an international flight attendant for Pan American Airlines with travel assignments around the world. Both love travel, dogs of all shapes and sizes, gardening, the arts, double-tall Starbucks lattes, and writing Molly Charles books.
They are drawn again and again by the allure of the Hawaiian Islands, especially Maui—the setting for their current novel.
Tour Giveaway
Open internationally
Ends September 9th
Ends September 9th
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