Forever and Forever, by Josi S. Kilpack
2016, 336p, Clean Historical Romance
My Rating=4 Stars
Source: Received a copy from the publisher for an honest review

A Proper Historical Romance series
The first book in a new series which will focus on the lives of real historical figures who have intriguing stories of courtship that are recreated in fictionalized accounts based on real biographical and social history research.
Based on the true romance of poet Henry Longfellow who was madly in love with Fanny Appleton and devotedly courted her for seven years until finally winning her over. Includes notes, excerpts from Longfellow's poems and discussion group questions.
I'm excited for this new series which will focus on the courtships of real historical figures! This book is about Henry Longfellow and Fanny Appleton. I knew nothing about their story before I started reading it and found it intriguing. When they first met, Fanny was young (19) and Henry was ten years older than her. Henry fell in love with Fanny right away, but she didn't return his feelings.
Henry was easy to fall in love with because he wore his heart on his sleeve and was genuine. When he first met the Appleton's, he was healing from a recent tragedy in his life and meeting Fanny gave him motivation to start living again. Fanny was a bit of a snob and wasn't interested in Henry romantically. I did like that, when she realized he was starting to get ideas she wasn't comfortable with, she let him down rather than string him along. It took her quite a few years to warm up to him. She was young when they first met and I liked the growth the author showed in her over the years, even though some of it is fictional.
I liked that the author included Chapter Notes at the end where she included what was fact and what she took creative license on to create a fluid story. She also gave a brief overview of their life after the book ended. This book is well researched and I felt like I really got to know the characters. I did enjoy it but there were parts that moved a bit too slowly for me and I was able to put it down for a while before picking it up again. I'm looking forward to the next story in this series!
Author Josi Kilpack
Josi S. Kilpack hated to read until her mother handed her a copy of The Witch of Blackbird Pond when she was 13. From that day forward, she read everything she could get her hands on and credits her writing “education” to the many novels she has “studied” since then. She began writing her first novel in 1998 and never stopped. Sheep’s Clothing won the Whitney award for Mystery/Suspense in 207 and Wedding Cake, book twelve in the Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery series won in 2014. Josi was also the Best of State winner in Fiction for 2012. Josi currently lives in Willard, Utah, with her husband, children and super-cute – but not very friendly – cat.
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