The Rock Star Tour
for What Goes on Tour by Claire Boston

What Goes on Tour
by Claire Boston
Adult Contemporary Romance
Ebook, 282 pages
February 11th 2014 by Momentum Moonlight

What goes on tour, stays on tour … or does it?
Few people know that socially awkward Adrian Hart is actually rock god Kent Downer, and that's the way Adrian likes it. His privacy is essential, especially now that he has guardianship of his orphaned, ten-year-old niece, Kate. But when the nanny quits in the middle of his tour Adrian finds himself in a bind.
Until Libby Myles walks into his life.
Libby has only ever wanted to become a full-time author and prove to her parents that she can make it on her own. On the surface, the temporary job as the nanny for Kent Downer's niece looks perfect—the pay is fabulous, the hours are short and Kate is a big fan—it's the rock star that's the issue.
Arrogant and way too attractive for anyone's good, Kent Downer has enough swagger to power a small city. But when he's out of costume he's different—shy and uncertain. For Libby it's a far harder combination to resist. She needs to find a balance between work, writing and ignoring her attraction to the rock star, because if she falls for him, it could mean the end of her dream.
But when a horrible scandal is unleashed—putting young Kate in danger—there's more heat between Libby and Adrian than just sexual attraction. Libby must figure out if Adrian ever cared for her, or if it was all just part of the show …
I liked this book! It takes place in Australia. Libby is an author and meets Kent Downer when they're both guests on a talk show. Kent is an American rock star and has no personality when they're in the Green Room but turns on the charm when he's in front of an audience. Something happens during the talk show which reveals one of Kent's fears and Libby helps him get through it.
Then we get to know Kent as Adrian Hart who is shy and sweet and takes care of his niece, Kate, since her parents were killed in an accident. Her nanny, Emily, propositions Adrian and quits in a huff when he rejects her so he needs to find a new nanny fast. Libby is able to fill in and, since Kate is already a huge fan of her books, they become fast friends. Libby and Adrian are attracted to each other, but he and Kate will be returning to America soon so what they have is only temporary. Or is it?
I liked Libby and thought she and Kate had some great scenes together. She's an author so it was fun to read about that aspect of her life. I also liked how her relationship with Adrian/Kent progressed. It was gradual and took time to develop, especially since they each started out not being impressed with the other one. Adrian's biggest rule was his privacy and when the scandal occurred, he made some rash judgments which affected his relationship with Libby. I was hoping she would fight back more but it made for more drama that she didn't.
The plot was more complex than I originally thought it would be and I enjoyed it. There were some twists and turns and I knew how I wanted it to end, but wasn't sure if it would turn in that direction. This book is close to being clean but has a couple of short scenes that might go beyond some people's comfort levels. If you enjoy contemporary rock 'n roll adult romance, this is the book for you!
Content: Mild language and a couple of short scenes which has some description of intimacy but nothing too graphic.
My Rating=4 Stars
*I received a copy from the tour host for review. My opinion is 100% my own.*
This scene is at night when Adrian returns from one of his concerts and is in Libby’s point of view.
Ten minutes later Adrian walked into the room, all traces of Kent gone. His smile was genuine, as if he was happy to see her.
“How was your night?” she asked, holding on to the back of one of the dining chairs.
“The crowd was amazing.” His tone was one of awe. “They knew the words to all my songs and the noise was incredible.”
“It must be fabulous to know you’ve had an influence on so many people.” She should be making a move, not making conversation.
He nodded and then sobered. She knew he was thinking about the attempted suicide. “I made you a drink,” she said, gesturing to the dining table, and then, embarrassed by her need to be thanked, she turned to pack up her bag.
“Why don’t you join me?” He picked up the book she’d been reading and brought it over to her. “I wanted to thank you for talking to Kate with me today.”
He held out the book and she took it, shoving it into her bag.
“It’s fine. I’m glad she’s okay.” Fine. Okay. Great use of adjectives, Libby. Really creative. He got her so flustered, being so close. She turned to put some distance between them but stopped as he took her hand.
Heat rushed up her arms. Adrian drew her closer to him.
Her heart slowed and beat heavily in her chest.
“You’ve helped me a lot in these few short days.” He took her other hand so she was facing him directly.
What was he doing? She had to stop this.
“You saved my reputation on the talk show, you’ve become Kate’s nanny at short notice and you helped me broach a difficult subject with her today.” His voice was soft and he pulled her ever so slightly closer to him. Libby stared at him like a kangaroo caught in a car’s headlights.
He brought his hand up and brushed her cheek. “Thank you.”
Libby couldn’t answer. Every coherent thought in her head vanished with the sweep of his hand over her cheek. She had to say something, even if it was just a murmur in acknowledgement. She parted her lips to respond and suddenly his mouth was on hers.
His lips were warm and gentle and stole her breath away with their tender-ness. Heat curled in her belly and moved outward, suffusing her with longing as she wrapped her arms around Adrian’s neck and drew him closer. He groaned, deepening the kiss, taking her further until her whole body felt on fire.
All her doubts and fears vanished in the moment. She couldn’t think. Every nerve in her body was concentrated on the sensation as his hands slid around her body, cupping her bottom and pulling her closer still.
She held on, meeting his tongue with hers, pouring her passion into the kiss. “Uncle Ade?” Kate’s voice calling from the bedroom stopped Libby cold, as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her. They sprang apart and turned to the door.
Kate wasn’t there but her voice came again. “Uncle Ade, are you home?” Adrian cleared his throat and stepped further away from Libby, not looking at her. “Sure am, kiddo. I’ll be right there.”
Libby blinked. What had she been thinking? She’d kissed her boss. She had to get out of there. Gathering up the rest of her things, she avoided Adrian’s gaze. “I should go.”
Adrian nodded, but didn’t say anything. He followed her to the entrance, and when she opened the door, he put his hand over hers.
“Libby, I –” He stopped, his eyes full of confusion, and she waited for him to continue.
“Uncle Ade,” Kate called.
He glanced toward Kate’s door. “I’ve got to go.”
Libby pulled her hand out from under his. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She tried to smile but it felt as though her face was cracking. He regretted what had happened, that much was certain.
Hurrying down the corridor, she didn’t look back.
Safe in her own room, she sank down on the bed and put her fingers to her mouth. Her lips were warm and swollen from his kisses. He had instigated the kiss but she hadn’t held back.
She’d never felt such a rush of tenderness before. It had flowed through her whole body until she felt she must be glowing and then it had ramped up to sparking.
If Kate hadn’t been there…
Libby refused to think of what might have happened. How was she going to face him tomorrow?
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Claire Boston was a voracious reader as a child, devouring anything by Enid Blyton as well as series such as Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, The Baby-sitters Club and Sweet Valley High. Then one school holidays when she’d run out of books to read her mother handed her ‘Hot Ice’ by Nora Roberts and Claire instantly fell in love with romance novels.
The love of reading soon turned to a love of writing and she struggled to keep within the 1500 word limit set by her teachers for her creative writing assignments. When she finally decided to become serious about her stories she joined Romance Writers of Australia, found her wonderful critique group and hasn’t looked back.
When Claire’s not reading or writing she can be found in the garden attempting to grow vegetables, or racing around a vintage motocross track. If she can convince anyone to play with her, she also enjoys cards and board games.
Claire lives in Western Australia, just south of Perth with her husband, who loves even her most annoying quirks, and her two grubby, but adorable Australian bulldogs.
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I would like to meet Paul McCartney. He is a legend.
Jon Bon Jovi...hands down. He has been my favorite since I can remember...and he's still so handsome :)
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