Mischief & Manors, by Ashtyn Newbold
2016, 272p, Clean Regency Romance
My Rating=5 Stars
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, which did not affect my review in any way

When Annette Downing and her mischievous little brothers are sent to Kellaway Manor for the summer, she hopes for a relaxing escape. But Annette finds her closeted heart in jeopardy when reunited with the handsome Owen Kellaway, a childhood acquaintance and respected gentlemen. When Owen is enlisted to help the boys with their behavior, Annette wonders if he has just as much mischief up his sleeve as her brothers. Bound by a promise she made to her late parents, and amid a frightening mystery, Annette faces a difficult decision when she finds herself falling for Owen's charm…
This was a fun read! Annette Downing and her two younger brothers are orphans being raised by an aunt who has lost all patience for them since the boys are a bit rowdy. She sends them to live with the Kellaway's, who were close friends of their parents, telling Annette that if the boys don't learn how to behave, they will be sent to an orphanage. Annette reunites with Owen Kellaway, who was a mischievous boy himself, and has to continually remind herself not to fall in love with him.
Annette is an easy character to like. Her aunt hasn't treated her or her brothers very well so she's happy to leave for a while. She loves her brothers and, while she wants them to behave, she also wants to allow them to be boys. Her brothers were funny and did cause a bit of trouble. It was good to see the changes in them once they were in a safer environment. Owen is a charming hero. He took to the boys right away and never made any of them feel unwelcome. I enjoyed Owen and Annette's relationship and thought they had great chemistry!
I enjoyed this book from beginning to end! There were some plot twists which kept it from being too predictable and kept me reading one more chapter until I was done. If you enjoy clean, regency romance with a little bit of mystery, this is a book you will want to read! It's a strong debut novel from this author and I am looking forward to reading more from her in the future!
Ashtyn Newbold discovered a love of writing early in high school. Inspired by regency period romance, she wrote her first novel at the age of sixteen. Because she can’t vacation in her favorite historical time periods, she writes about them instead. When not crafting handsome historical heroes, she enjoys baking, sewing, music, and spoiling her dog. She dreams of traveling to England and Ireland. Ashtyn is currently studying English and creative writing at Utah Valley University. She lives in Lehi, Utah, with her family.
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