Two for the Heart, by Ekta R. Garg
2015, 77p, Clean Contemporary Fiction
My Rating=4 Stars
Source: Received a copy from the author for an honest review

A man and a woman get their divorce papers right after the wedding. A woman learns she’s suffering from amnesia. Two stories about relationships and the power of love. Two stories with characters to remember. Two stories for the heart.
“The Proposal”: Pooja and Akshay don’t want to bother with relationships, but they get cornered into marriage. The two devise a fool-proof plan: get married, then get their divorce papers ready. But will they have the guts to go through with the break up?
“Remembrance”: Helen wakes up in the hospital, but she has no idea how she got there. Everyone dodges the question…and then the sister she hasn't spoken to in 11 years arrives. Why is she here? And will Helen ever remember what happened?
The stories share a connection with each other and will definitely make one with readers.
I must admit that I didn't grasp the concept behind this author's books when I first started reading. I read "The Proposal" and thought it was touching. Pooja and Akshay entered into marriage with the intention to get a divorce. They each had their reasons for agreeing to it but we don't learn exactly what those reasons are (that will be explored in the next book). It was interesting to see what happened to them throughout this story and I enjoyed the ending.
Then I read "Remembrance." Helen and Rose are sisters who haven't seen each other in many years. Helen is in the hospital and doesn't remember what happened to put her there. When she wakes up, her sister is there and she's not happy about it. There's obvious tension between the two sisters and plenty to learn about them. As the story unfolds, we learn what happened between them which brought them to their current situation.
I enjoyed both stories. I didn't understand that they would connect until I came across a character from the first story in the second story. That was fun! I also liked that I learned just a little more about the character. If this sounds intriguing to you, check out the author's page here where she explains her concept.
I loved that the stories were short so I was able to read the entire book in one sitting. I also love that they are clean. I like short stories but usually feel like I want more. With these books, we learn enough that it feels satisfying but then there's another book which will fill in more details (also a short read).
I'm currently on the fence on how I feel about this concept. Part of me wants one book and to have all the blanks filled in by the time I'm finished. The busy side of me likes that I feel the accomplishment of finishing a book quickly and I like that the stories are quality ones. I'll need to try a few more before rendering a final verdict!!
Since the start of her publishing career in 2005 Ekta has edited and written about everything from health care to home improvement to Hindi films. She has worked for: The Portland Physician Scribe, Portland, Oregon's premier medical newspaper; show magazines for home tours organized by the Portland Home Builders Association;; The Bollywood Ticket; The International Indian; and the annual anthologies published by the Avondale Inkslingers, based in Avondale, Arizona.
In 2011 Ekta stepped off the ledge and became a freelancer. She edits short stories and novels for other writers, contributing to their writing dreams. She is also a part-time editor for aois21, and she reviews books for her own book review blog as well as NetGalley, TypeReel, and
Prairie Sky Publishing serves as the publishing arm of Ekta's professional writing blog, The Write Edge ( When she's not writing, Ekta is a domestic engineer--known in the vernacular as "a housewife." She's married, has two energetic daughters who keep her running, and she divides her time between keeping house and fulfilling her writing dreams.
Sounds interesting :)!
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