Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Best of 2013: Fiction, Part 2

Here are the rest of my favorites for 2013, and again, they're in no particular order. I already have a lot of great books lined up to read in 2014 so I think choosing my favorites at the end of next year will be even more difficult. I'm glad there are so many great books out there! So, thank you, authors, and keep them coming!!

My Review
My Review

My Review
My Review

My Review
My Review

My Review
My Review

My Review
My Review


Katie W said...

I've read and loved some of these. Others, I haven't yet. There are so many great books out there! That's one reason why I loved blogging and goodreads so much--I used to read the same things over and over and now I can't find time to read everything I want to. Another great list!

Tressa @ Wishful Endings said...

Blackmoore deserves to be on everyone's lists. I LOVED that book! I read Enchanted in 2012 and really loved it too! The False Prince has been on my tbr forever and I really need to read it because I have heard that it is really good. The Rent Collector is a book everyone should read. It's on my list as well. A couple of these I need to check out.

Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

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