The Millionaire Plan, by Kay Harborne
2013, 179p, My Rating=4 stars
Clean Contemporary Romance
Source: Received review copy from Astraea Press for an honest review
Amber Wynters is on a mission to find a millionaire to marry – and fast. Her parents are nearly bankrupt and forced to sell the family home, a beautiful Tudor house that had been in the family for generations. And it’s all thanks to Amber’s ex-fiancĂ© Rod persuading them to invest in his dodgy shares. So armed with a ‘How to Hook a Millionaire’ Book and a ten point plan, she sets off to hook herself a rich husband. Then she meets the drop-down gorgeous Jed Curtess. The attraction between them is sizzling but Jed is only a hired hand on one of the millionaire’s yachts. Can Amber ignore her heart and follow her plan? (Amazon)
This is a fun, quick, clean read. When Amber's parents find themselves in a tough financial situation, Amber takes it on herself, with the help of her friend Callie, to find a millionaire to marry. Callie is comfortable hanging out with the extremely wealthy but Amber is more down to earth and it doesn't come as naturally to her. She literally runs into hunky Jed right away and he tells her he works on the yacht she was admiring and invites her to go with him to change clothes. She does and it feels nice to talk to someone she doesn't have to impress or try to get to marry her, even though she is attracted to him.
She lets him in on her plan and he agrees to help her. He teaches her to dance and they go sailing together, where he teaches her tricks to get over seasickness and they have a little adventure while they're out. She enjoys being around him and is definitely attracted to him but gets back on track after she talks to her mom and finds out how bad things are.
In the meantime, she meets millionaire Randy Turner who shows interest in her and she finds out he needs to get married and produce an heir soon so he can get a large inheritance so he's perfect for her! Or is he?
There are a couple of little plot twists to make this story interesting. Amber is a fun character since she's just a normal girl trying to fit in and she makes some funny mistakes. She feels bad about trying to marry someone just because they're wealthy but also feels like she's responsible for her parents' troubles. Jed is amazing but not perfect and he makes some mistakes. Miscommunication causes both of them heartache and problems. Can they figure things out before it's too late?
This one looks cute!! Thanks for the new book idea.
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